Monday, January 28, 2008

My happy panda!

I decided to take lots of pictures of my dear Jackson today! There are so many times that I wish I had a camera... and of course, it would always be buried in a drawer somewhere or hiding under a pile of crapola. So today I decided to be Jack's personal paparazzi and keep my camera around my neck.

At 7 weeks old, Jackson is growing like a weed! He's already more than 10 pounds! His personality is really starting to shine through. He is such a happy and serene baby. He loves watching the sun rise each morning when I'm feeding him and he's just started cooing and giving huge smiles when daddy sticks out his tounge or zerbert's his belly. Ben and I agree that pure joy is when Jackson snuggles up with us and makes all his little noises. It's like a baby form of purring!

Babies have such a beautiful way of showing us the simple joys of life. We are so blessed and so happy!

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